Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
Episode 228: "Girl Stuff" That Men Should Know
Salty & Spice talk "girl stuff". So what exactly is "girl stuff"?
Let's find out!
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Hello, everybody.
Salty:Good morning, afternoon evening everybody, whichever it is that you are listening to this in Good day, or good evening or Good night. I have problems with this.
Spice:Hello everybody, this is spice.
Salty:This is salty. Sorry, I don't want to get into this morning america type banter this morning. It is more Goofy, probably
Spice:pressing on.
Salty:As always, if you hear traveling noises in the background, we're sorry about the audio quality if it's if it's a little iffy, but but we do this while we're in transport. We are transporting ourselves to the central part of Missouri today. Oh, Mo Columbia, Missouri home on the Missouri Tiger even though they're not there at the moment, at least the football Tigers I'm not sure they are even when they are they're crossing right along. Welcome to the show the big show the three big podcast where we talk about the things that need to be said.
Spice:much fun or not.
Salty:This is the things that need to be said addition, now we're gonna let spike spice take the lead on a lot of this stuff. Because, okay, we're gonna, I'm gonna share a secret.
Spice:I'm a girl,
Salty:she's a girl.
Unknown:I'm a girl.
Salty:She's a girl,
Spice:I thought that maybe was the secret he was referred to as a secret. She
Salty:is a girl. And we are we're a works at all. prepper broadcast a prepper site, we're here to talk about the real stuff or real things, even though some of that stuff, frankly, isn't gonna get read very much because people aren't that. Well, we'll get into why some of that is we're not you're not gonna probably see it linked on a lot of places because it people get uncomfortable about it. And no, it's not political, not
Salty:And no, it's not religious. It's just, it's just stuff that guys don't want to talk about.
Spice:And I'm gonna guy the majority of our readers and listeners are guys, I think
Salty:now I will I will give spice credit she is for many, many long years, she has been very, very understanding of the fact that I am a guy. I am a guy's guy, you know, football guy. I like football. I like you know, guy stuff. I like to shoot guns. I like to do guy things. Service vehicles. Yeah,
Spice:if it's a vehicle that works for a living, he wants one.
Salty:That's right. I'm the kind of guy who buys a fire truck, you know, just because the guy stuff go to car shows, yeah, guy. But part of life when you're married or have women with you, like daughters, or even family members like sisters and stuff like that, is you have to sometimes do with girl stuff.
Spice:Frankly, when I look out at the prepper information that's out there. With a couple of very notable exceptions, I see very little of it.
Salty:And so part of what we're doing, see we have four things in our in our name, and we mean them all we need beans, we absolutely mean beans, bullets, like you know, we've talked a lot about bullets, bandages, well, you also know we do a lot of bandages. But we've also got the U part. And half of the US out there are women or girls,
Spice:they may not be half of the prepper population or half of our readers but
Salty:but half of our most of our prepper population have women who are in their lives, at least in some way. And you just gonna have to learn learn to deal with that stuff. So this is what we're here to talk about.
Spice:What brought this up is a post I did this last week, I wrote it knowing full well it was not going to be a chart topper. No.
Salty:We knew none of the people who thankfully we do, we do appreciate the people who pick up our links and share them around the internet. We knew that wasn't gonna be shared, we just knew because it just is not a guy thing. And most almost everybody.
Spice:It's not their favorite stuff to think about read about talk about themselves.
Salty:But almost everybody who reads this stuff are guys.
Spice:But I felt I needed to put it out there because it's important information. And it should be out there, in my opinion.
Salty:And then there's Google, you know, Google will find us if the information is out there, especially if there's not a lot of information out there. Google, you know, we're working on our search engine things. Oh, you know, we'll be one of the first things I'll hit. So that's part of what we're because we just we know, somebody will eventually read it. And I mean, we watch the statistics. So we know, you know what gets hundreds of reads what gets 1000s of reads this thing is a great article, what was it called?
Spice:natural family planning for preppers
Salty:natural family planning for peppers. It fell flat. I mean, splat dead on arrival, virtually nobody read it. Interesting, isn't it? So what's going on here? Why is that? It's not that, that people don't read our articles. I mean, I know even if it doesn't, nobody links them anywhere. We get reads on our articles. We get a lot of reads on URLs. And thank you very much for doing that. We appreciate that. But this one nosedive, I mean, I checked on it. hours after it published hours after publishing, I had three reads I was one of them. And I almost guarantee you paranoid prepper was another one of them. And I will wouldn't be surprised if Merman was the third, our staff,
Spice:but I wrote it anyway. Because this is anecdotal evidence. All right, I don't have actual data on this. This is not the kind of thing that people are taking data about at the time. But there's the anecdotal evidence out there anyway, that whenever there is a major disruption of medical services, big ice storms are a famous example of these where a lot of people are trapped in house for a lot of days at a time, the really big winter storms, there's a spike in births nine months later, because people's interest in their significant others does not necessarily evaporate when trouble hits. But this can be if it's a fairly prolonged scenario, that can be a real problem. Because Do you want to be having upheaval in your life when your family includes somebody who is pregnant? Or somebody who's trying to take care of a young baby at the time, that's a problem.
Salty:And this is verifiable This is Google check. In America, the most popular popular birthdays, and I think what you're gonna see, it's gonna it's, I find it very amusing because my birthday is in a popular birthday range, not necessarily this one, but it is a popular birthday range. If you count back nine months, for example, from Christmas to New Years, you end up late August, early September, and when are the most birthdays give birth to late August, late August, early September away,
Spice:it's cold people are inside, they want to snuggle up, get warm
Salty:party, Christmas, family time, and nine months later, there's more babies. Yeah, it's just we're humans, this is how we are. So you're
Spice:fairly short term situations, you're really best off stocking up on the conventional methods that people are using every day now, because they are more effective than natural family planning.
Salty:Okay, caveat. We do not talk about religion or politics. Now, some people do have religious beliefs that are opposed to contraception, and we get that, okay. But most people out there do not hold those beliefs. Some do. And that's cool. That's totally cool. We don't if that's your thing, the rest of the stuff that we're talking about, actually, almost everything in this article and what doesn't really deal with contraception as far as active contraception, this article is about stuff that every single religion on the planet that I know of approves of, you know, where's No, this is not controversial stuff at all. because, frankly, you know, the number one way of contraception is
Unknown:abstinence, abstinence. You know,
Salty:she told that, Joe I love it's one of my favorite stories. The Apple joke. Yeah, that story isn't really a joke. It's because it's
Spice:somebody goes to the family doctor and asks about contraception. Doctor says, oh, perfectly easy. I got a cheap 100% effective method. That half an apple, an apple Really? Yeah, it works great. Before or after, instead.
Salty:Yeah, so in fact, an apple a day does keep the doctor away.
Spice:And I just put only one line about that in the article, because frankly, you all knew that lead me to beat that horse.
Salty:But you know, people are people. And we know, I mean, come on.
Spice:If that plan worked perfectly, you wouldn't have that spike in births nine months after every crisis begins? Yes. I don't think people are doing that on purpose. I think they're just finding seeking comfort, where they can find it. And you know, and if they don't have the protection of land, well, they don't. So
Salty:yeah, so what what this article does, and we're not really here plugging this article, that's not the point of this. What this article does, is just basically explaining natural methods has been used for centuries
Spice:using the calendar and using the woman's body temperature changes to predict when she's going to be fertile. So you can act on that information in whichever direction you feel it best to act on that information,
Salty:right? It's good stuff to know, if you are trying to have a baby, you know, you need to know that stuff too. Because if your goal is to is to have a family and create create more life, then you know this is this is helpful that way. So anyway, and there's a But anyway, the whole point of what we're bringing out today is this is how this fits in with the prepper site thing is if that article just flopped because men don't want to read that there's too
Spice:much they don't want to think about it. They don't
Salty:want to think about it. I'm a guy you know, something like that I believe in in the system of man points and guys all know what this is. I believe in me in points okay. You everybody gets mad points. We get man points for doing manly things, right? I get you know, 500 points for watching a hockey game. So I love hockey right I'll watch a hockey guy. 500 points. You know, and then like, Oh, I gotta go to a traditionally woman. Domestic chore. Oh no, I'm gonna lose man points. How am I gonna lose? 600?
Salty:excuse me, honey. We're going into overtime on this game. I gotta watch the overtime to make up for for doing those dishes. Okay, I'm joking. I'm joking. But she's, she's really good about this. You know, she'll have me go to the store, and she'll give me a grocery list. But she will not put certain things on that list.
Spice:Oh, for some items myself,
Salty:not? Because she knows well, first of all, she flat knows I'm not going to go to that aisle and pick up that thing. And I'm not even gonna talk about what it is. You know, I'm saying I actually buy some of her clothing. I i do i bought I buy clothing. There are things I don't buy. And that's fine. We're not well, I did once and then emotionally scarred me for life. Remember, there was a you? Yeah, you we we were on a trip and she'd forgotten to pack her drawers. And she was dead tired. I mean, dead tired, exhausted. And like, okay, I'll go to the store. And so I know she know that wasn't it? You bought? You brought a brand new package. Wrong size. But yeah, they were wrong. Yeah, the label was, you know, she didn't.
Spice:That's alright. I'll suck it up. As I recall, you
Salty:read the label was right. It was just on the wrong package. As I recall.
Spice:It was pretty tired at the time.
Salty:Yeah. So she's got these. These drawers were like, you know, four XL and she's like a size for six. You know, not gonna happen. could wear I mean, it's just not not even get you by gonna happen.
Spice:I didn't ask him. I was just gonna suck it up until I could get there. But he was very generous. The dead
Salty:coyote on the road. Yeah. So anyway. So anyway, long story short, what happened was, I went, and I helped her out, I picked up a couple of the things we needed at a big box store. And just as I'm getting up there, I'm like, how am I going to do this? How am I going to do this? Oh, my goodness, how am I going to do this? Look over there. And they have the self check. I hate the subject, but they have the self checkout. So go over there, ring them up. And the dead gum thing doesn't ring,
Spice:which is why we hate the self checkout,
Salty:which is why we hate the self checkout. And then the the girl comes over. And here I am holding women's underwear.
Spice:Now if that had been in your size, you would have gotten the hairy eyeball. As it is you got lots of good karma points from that woman out
Salty:1000 demand points that cost me by her looking at me holding those 10,000 man punch, I had to watch an entire recorded season of Canadian Football just to make backup and this is Canadian Football isn't even American football is can I had to watch Canadian Football to get those points back.
Spice:Sorry, I got a little cough.
Salty:Yeah, she's got a cough, she's
Spice:going to actually put out some more of those articles, even though I know they're not going to be very popular so people can find them if they if they need it. Because it's I really couldn't find any of it. When I was looking at a lot of other prepper websites, it was just a desert for that kind of information, and it's gonna come up and people are going to need it. And I know it's not much fun to read about but oh man, it is no fun at all not to know how to do it if you need to know how to do it. The natural family planning methods. If you do them perfectly, you can get about a 95% success rate per year. If you do them as normal people living in the real world actually do them you get about 75% success per year. But that's compared to 15% of not getting pregnant a in a year of paying no attention to the question at all. So it's a heck of a lot better than nothing if you think it's not a good time to procreate, and you don't have anything else. It doesn't take anything but knowledge attention and a little paper and pencil to do so that's one topic there's going to be others the main reason we did this podcast is to encourage you to step past you know are you doing the prepping for fun are you doing the prepping because you think it needs to be done and fits the former sure scroll on by look for that mistakes I've made when buying guns article those those guys go over really well.
Salty:Yeah, my mistakes articles go
Unknown:make some mistakes.
Salty:mistakes. I've got a I've got a gun I'm gonna pick up we're gonna be going past the gun store, but I'm probably not gonna stop today. I got a gun. I'm gonna pick up just here in a bit that who knows it's probably a mistake.
Spice:But if you're doing it for fun, fine, but if you're doing it because you really want to protect you and yours in a bad situation. There's some things that aren't any fun that you got to think about. And I think that's true. A lot of my bandages articles and it's particularly true of the ones that centered on women's health.
Salty:Guys, if you're out there and you think it's important and you want this information out Try this. Just say, Hey, honey, come over here, read this. Let her read it. Yeah, and get one. It'll show her that there is information out there for women that this isn't just a guy thing. That's important. You know, we're talking about trying to help people become more and more on board. Well, one way to get people more and more board is to get them more and more on board with other women.
Spice:Let them understand that it's about them to
Salty:write about real world women issues, because it is because they're people sort of,
Spice:more or less. I've never been one to be dissuaded by that's a guy thing. And I'm a girl, maybe it's because I had a lot of brothers. But that's never been my mindset. But that is the mindset of a lot of people. And there's no sense pretending it is when they realize it's about them, too.
Salty:When you were a toddler, they used you as the football. It was fun.
Spice:It was fun to be the football.
Salty:Why would you share about it, but well, you don't hurt her. She was literally about football anyway. So
Spice:we didn't do any long bombs with me. So
Salty:we're gonna have a whole series of these articles. And we're at this this, this is a companion piece to a piece that I believe is going to be titled something along the lines of why we publish articles, we know you're probably not going to. But you should. And it's true. We just we really want to be complete. We want to have a full circle of stuff. And there's just no way to just do guy things and be it there's more to it than that
Spice:if just two people read these articles, and I help one of them when it's been worth my time.
Salty:Yeah, which you don't have advertising on our site. We don't sell average, there's nothing to buy on eBay.
Unknown:To help you out guys.
Salty:We're here to help you out, you know, as much as we can, or at least share information you can help us out. Leave comments, correct anything we get wrong. You know, we're not world grade expert. But we have been doing this for a long time. We're we're Season Two citizens. We've been around a while, a lot,
Spice:made plenty of mistakes.
Salty:Lots of mistakes. I've I've done everything there is to do wrong wrong, I think except for
Spice:this one. We didn't have any unintended children. That's true.
Salty:But anyway, at least
Spice:one of us was thinking about that.
Salty:One of us was long story short, just all we ask is that you set aside the the preconceived ill and take note of it.
Spice:If you're serious about it, do it do what's important, not just attractive,
Salty:we're not lawyers, or we're not doing this for clicks. I love clicks, I love to look at the stats and say, Oh, yeah, we got x many 1000 the blog today, which is great. And I really do appreciate it. You know, I like seeing those those those numbers go way up. And but there's nothing we don't get, you know, there's no no reward for it or don't get as we know, there's a click,
Spice:that's the icing, that's not the dinner,
Salty:right. And that's one of the things that makes us different than, than a lot of other places. You know, they want to put the clickbait stuff out there, they, they'll they'll set aside the stuff that they know are not going to get a lot of clicks, they'll set that aside, because they're in the business of bringing people in, get them clicking on the ads, get them clicking on the links, and making money. And we're not doing that
Spice:we have paid jobs.
Salty:We have paid job. Yeah, this is our hobby. This is what we do as a
Spice:service to our community.
Salty:This is how we pay our social Rep. There you go. And I've talked about social work before and I will again, this is this is how we pair so it's just one of the things we do. So we're gonna keep bringing you stuff that you're probably not gonna want to read, you know, all we ask is that you keep an open mind,
Spice:not only stuff that you're not gonna want to read, but
Salty:Oh, yeah. And I'm gonna tell you whether, whether this gun I'm probably not gonna pick up today which frankly, I don't want to run around with a with a brand new gun in a big case. It's a it's a shotgun. I don't ride around with como and with that my car, Columbia, they do have a bit of a crime problem and I just don't think that's what So, but I know you're dying. It's a 410 410 shotgun II remember, it's a Mossberg or Remington. He's a mass 400 514 pump. I've always wanted one got one. And I've got some portion, a whole bunch of 14 shells and not a single gun to shoot about. So that was the other part of getting it. So
Spice:reading off the shells was clearly out of the question.
Salty:I'm sorry. What do you say?
Spice:I said, this is spice hoping you're well.
Salty:Salty, and we'll catch you the next time.