Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
Episode 238: Infrared
Salty & Spice talk about infrared.
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spk_0: 0:02
Good evening, everybody. Good evening, at least where we are. It's evening. I don't know what what time of day you'll be listening to this. But right now it's evening. It's a drizzly evening. We're driving into North Missouri from central Missouri. Welcome to to show the big show the most popular, important and critical show that you will ever hear that's been recorded in our car round. We're driving on the roads of your road noise. Sorry about that. That's as usual. But this is the time we have to. Gabby, we've got a big show for you tonight. Up important critical show. That's too to Critz and gods really critical. Now it's a mystery show. Why do we call it a mystery show? Because list Spice does not know what we're gonna podcast about. She does. I have not told her, but actually she'll pick it up real quick because we're just having a conversation that skirts around the whole concept of what I wanted to bring up. Now I will say that not only does Spice play a sport, she also referees a sport, and so she's just got done doing a game with a lot of shouting at people because she was calling them. And, you know, there's a lot of shouting
spk_1: 1:26
and they have to hear you
spk_0: 1:27
and they have to hear you. And they were listening. Really, really. So her voice is kind of shot. So there's that. But she's a trooper and so she's going to give it a try. We're going to talk about did it look at him curiously, we're gonna talk about how we make decisions on a cost. Her benefit analysis in daily life is this. A lot of what we do is prepping this. This really fits in because, you know, first of all, for those of you who don't know, we are people who live completely. That freighter was a trace we made years ago, and we just you live the debt free lifestyle for us to afford something. We have to have the money down. We could drop the money on the barrel head before we could buy it. That's what afford means to us if we have to afford a new washing machine, while we have to literally grab the cash late on the laid on the table before we could buy it, that's just the way we live, so cost benefit analysis becomes a big deal in In spice and Salty World we were just talking about earlier this week. I was looking around. I have just recently purchased a gun that I hope to do hog hunting with. We don't have hogs in northeast Missouri wild hogs, and they don't have hunting.
spk_1: 3:09
Farmers get cranky. If you shoot, there's
spk_0: 3:12
we don't have hog hunting in Missouri. It's illegal hunt hogs in Missouri, but bordering states do I have a fascination with the idea of nighttime hog hunting? I want to do it, so I bought. Ah, and they are 10. I have other guns, but it takes a pretty good gun to stop a hog. And I haven't been considering what to do for optics on it. I already Hey, I have a digital night vision system about a $1500 and it's something that you very rarely see at our house because we've got tucked away in a Faraday cage. That's where it lives because I figure if I ever need it, I really should needs to be an affair to gauge cause you know, that's one of the things that you would use it for. After that, you'd be about the only person around with working night vision, and that would get riel force multiplier. And it's gotta go somewhere anyway as well. Put it in something that that's Elektronik safe, right? So if I got that and it'll work, but it's not as good as a thermal image. Thermal scopes are expensive, like, seriously, the floor ones. The cheap floor one starts out like 2000 bucks. So this is a I don't in your world 2000 bucks, maybe. Yeah, I just write a check for we're done. But in our world, 2000 bucks is a lot of money. So we have to really think Okay, is this something that makes sense for us to have in our household? And I gotta be honest with you, There's no way under the sun I could justify to myself or anybody else buying a $2000 uh, thermal imaging scope. I don't live in a state where there is hawk hunting. If I did live in a state where there was hog hunting and I did it all the time, that would be a totally different thing. But I don't. And so buying this for the off chance that I might need it if we hit the end of the world as we know it. And of course, I would have been smart enough to keep it inside a Faraday cage in case of any MP. Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. Very, very unlikely stuff together.
spk_1: 5:54
All those probabilities, you end up with a very tiny number. Yeah, and some things you just got to roll the dice on.
spk_0: 6:01
So my next thought was, Well, you know, I could use what what I have and get a better illuminator for it. And the illuminator is like $100. And I already have this night vision, scope, digital, and it's pretty good, Okay? And it is rated for zig through it. So now our cost benefit analysis is we're looking at something that would allow me to do the hog hunting. It would allow me to do basically any hunting at night. I wanted to d'oh it would fit the gun I already have. And it would be useful in other situations. Like I could use it as a light for other, uh, other night vision equipment that we have, Ah, $100. That's a lot Maur reasonable expense and I could store it right where I keep thrust. Let's go. Doesn't that sound like a lot more reasonable expense?
spk_1: 7:07
Not more reasonable, especially since it's a lot more plausible that might need to shoot an animal at night if it's not hog cunning. Say we do have some emergency scenario and are part of the state of Missouri is feeding itself and we have panthers or pack even bobcats and coyotes taking people's stock, piglets and yes, and where
spk_0: 7:37
we have Fox is getting in the hen house
spk_1: 7:39
and things like that, Yeah,
spk_0: 7:41
I would should with freeway, Okay, but we'll have to teach that box. But I see
spk_1: 7:52
that as being a heck of a lot more plausible need.
spk_0: 7:55
And also, frankly, you could just take the scope. Just use it without the gun and have a look around your place at night.
spk_1: 8:02
I've been known to do that. I've been known to take a little tent and put it out by the pond where I see the deer and possum and rack inside all the time and just have the night scope there. So I can peek around and see who I can catch drinking at the pond at night. Okay, So for the scope must be defective because I haven't found anybody.
spk_0: 8:23
Cools no. So well, where you need one of these eliminators. Well, there we go. So we have the two ends of the spectrum. We actually have three ends of the spectrum with the 30. And it should live with what I got for hog hunting. I don't think I don't think it would be. It would be. I would not be happy with it. Theo Illuminator I'm talking about getting is one of the ones that does not show. It's not. It doesn't put out that red visible like that. Most I r v I r. I'm sure most are Things put out a little red glow like you've seen security cameras with little red glow. Well, this doesn't put that out. This is kind of like it is not actually black, but they call it black. I r. Because you can't see that red glove. Okay, Now, if you're using a night vision scope, you'll stand out like shining a spotlight.
spk_1: 9:23
But what are we really most likely to have to shoot at night. Animals, Right? Very few of them
spk_0: 9:28
are going to be using night vision goggles.
spk_1: 9:31
Yeah, there are plenty of animals that see in the UV, but they're not the ones we would be likely to be hunting.
spk_0: 9:37
Okay, so what? This would do? You know, you run through the all of this has cost benefit analysis. You come. Does this make sense? Okay. These are the scenarios that problems arise. Are they likely to occur now? We were just having this conversation. Okay, well, one thing, though, is if you have this light and somebody is out there with night vision goggles trying to find you, you're going to stand out like a beacon. But that is such a low probability event that it's yours really does. $1000? Yeah. It really doesn't make much difference. Military won't matter because they're gonna have infrared, you know, they're they're moving past the They're moving past the night vision stuff and just going with infrared so military would make any difference. Police law enforcement would make any difference. They have infrared and you'll stand out. There's nothing really Well, there's nothing realistically you could do to hide from its infrared
spk_1: 10:42
except the dead.
spk_0: 10:44
Yeah, except for be that for a long time,
spk_1: 10:47
Assumed room temperature settled it. Except we're not entirely
spk_0: 10:54
because your body will heat up a different a different temperature than the surrounding area. So you will still show as something you will not be in the same temperatures Iraq or a tree or the soil because you have a different body composition, so you will still show up.
spk_1: 11:11
Okay, fair enough. Which won't care.
spk_0: 11:12
Patrol care? Absolutely. You will not care at that point in
spk_1: 11:15
time. As a counter example, earlier today, we were talking about another purchasing the same price range and determined to do it. It's not a prepping item. It's something we would use in our more day to day life. But that's the key. It's something we would use
spk_0: 11:35
We did
spk_1: 11:35
in our day to day life camera.
spk_0: 11:38
Oh, yeah? Well, I was gonna come back to cameras. Yeah, we're gonna come back to that. Now we have another thing. That this came up just the other day and I was talking to her about one of those little flirt puts out a little $500 but not killer okay. And it's It is a thermal binocular. You can't put it on a gun or anything like that. We will hold up to it. It was a little Monica. So you can have the benefits of having the infrared thermal imaging, the thermal imaging for 500 bucks.
spk_1: 12:18
And it would be really cool while you're around the place at night with that thing.
spk_0: 12:22
Yeah, it would be It would be fun. It would be a great toy, but the question becomes Would it really make sense for us to buy? And I love toys. I love electronic toys. I am a toy guy. But I have come to that point in my life where I have to consider. Is it worth me going to work and working x many hours at a job behind a desk to pay for this toy, and it really, really has toe be a strong yes anymore for me to say yes, I, uh I don't know. And so she was I mentioned. Well, this might be an option. This might be an option. Might be something. You would enjoy it And it would be a crap. Is there were mulling about it. cause we don't spend $500 on a whim.
spk_1: 13:18
And honestly, I I let the idea sit a day before I came back to it.
spk_0: 13:22
She doesn't come back to me right before we started this podcast. That's kind of what got me on the idea of doing,
spk_1: 13:26
You know how it is when you're craving something and you really craving it. But if you let it wait a little bit, the craving mostly passes, and it'd still be nice to have, but you don't feel nearly so deprived about the idea of not getting it. Well, I figured it to be that way. If I waited a day to bring bring it up. Could be not thinking so much about the benefits of it. It would be easier to have the conversation without feeling deprived about it.
spk_0: 14:01
It's a she. Go ahead and tell me. Tell me exactly how you tell them exactly how you told me. Because this is important how you approach each other we've been married for. Oh, gosh. We've been married for 20 9 30 years. It feels like 50.
spk_1: 14:19
But well, 25 me 25 you its way
spk_0: 14:26
were married in 87. How many years? Years that? No, we're very needs. Six 86. I think I do know what day we were married. Because it's also my birthday. So some time, I'll tell you all the story behind that. That was very, very funny. So but not a very funny story,
spk_1: 14:51
which I didn't hear two years later,
spk_0: 14:53
she didn't know that. That is just very funny when she heard part of it because she was involved in Can I do that? Grecian Now, just
spk_1: 14:59
All right.
spk_0: 14:59
Okay. This is funny. Um, so spice and I were engaged, okay? And we were actually living together, not really living in sin more kind of like roommate. Kind of a deal because of financial problems she had with her school finances. And basically, I was putting her through college. It
spk_1: 15:30
was drop out of school or take the free housing. And I think three hours and
spk_0: 15:33
she took the free housing and lived with May. And that was kind of, you know, I gotta be honest, Good Catholic family. This is kind of nada. Not something they want their baby girl doing.
spk_1: 15:47
They weren't throwing fits
spk_0: 15:49
me. But you're how many older brothers and sisters have gone through. She's the youngest of, like, 74 kids. Okay, she's the youngest they had. She has four older brothers and sisters, 80 years older than her. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you know, not much. She comes from the line of a passel of kids. And so we went down to visit them and they were in the ST Louis area rural, part role, rural town outside. So we went down to visit him. I went. I was staying downstairs with the boys because the whole bottom half the house, the whole bottom basement house was the boys. That's where they were because they were like several a bunch more than five at a time. I don't really know how many were there at the time. At least 45 work anyway, So I was staying with the boys and she had her own room. She was the only girl of anywhere near her age, and she and her mom went out to the garden, and I did not realize that the times this was set up, I did not realize that time at the time. This was a complete set up as I was talking to her dad. He kind of smiles a muse's. Although we could set the date yet and we really hadn't because we're probably we were thinking about waiting till she got out of school. But we had really decided exactly when the date was gonna be. And he kind of had that strange smile look on his face that he got because he was kind of Ah. Um I used my venture. Yeah, he was a monkey, right? He threw. He liked to throw monkey riches. It exists with a grin on his face. So it wasn't evil or bad or wrong. He was a great guy. We had that little grin on his face. No, no, we really haven't. He said, OK, so you get a vacation this year, and this is like may April, I forget what it was. That's just probably on spring break problem and, you know, like, well, you know, Yeah, I get a vacation, it starts. And I'm not gonna use the real date because I really don't want it out there. So I'm just gonna pick on August 1st. That's about its within a month. Either way of that, uh, August 1st. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Have you got any plans? Yeah. You know, I've been thinking about going to Chicago. Oh, yeah. Okay. So spice and her mom comes through the front door from the garden. Okay. And he looks at her mom and says, Jan, the kids have set the date and Spice looks her dad, and she looks at me, and
spk_1: 18:48
I was surprised.
spk_0: 18:49
We have. And I'm like we have and her mom without missing a beat. Oh, honey, that's great. What is it gonna be with that same grin on her face? And he says August 1st as she just come from bragged back. Wow, that's a great date. So what kind of ceremony are we gonna have do we need to do? We need to get the church for you. What do you want to dio as she has starts, right. And there's no kiss ads or Plus, you just write it on this and were kind of sitting there, deer in the headlights. These people have it down to a science what they're doing to us. And they started on Look, we can't afford a lot, but we'll put it on the credit card just to make sure that you get the ceremony that you want. He had. We're just like, Oh, no need to do that. Something really simple would be fine. Okay, We could do really simple. We could get the church on, or we can just, you know, bringing a minister and have it in your at your pavilion. They had a little pavilion in their
spk_1: 20:11
record. Might have been my idea.
spk_0: 20:13
Yeah, I I'll go with you. I don't remember whose idea. Waas and so well in the backyard, we could We live in North Missouri and everything in north misery to carry and dinner you carry in your own stuff. Okay,
spk_1: 20:25
That was a family thing in my family, anyway.
spk_0: 20:27
Yeah, and her family is, like, huge. Okay, like my big fat Greek wedding type. Huge.
spk_1: 20:35
We're not all named Nicky. No,
spk_0: 20:37
no, we're not. Only they're not only Nikki, if you haven't seen my big fat Greek wedding, you won't get that. But now stop and go watch that movie because it's hilarious because it's hilarious. Yes. So anyway, and she's like, Okay, my sister owes me about 30 favors, and she made her daughter makes makes, um, wedding cake. So we'll get her to make the cake and boom boom to boom right down the list. And we're just kind of sitting there staring at each other, going well, uh, hey, Ah, uh, and then finally, our mom says, How does this all sound? And we kind of looked at each other. Ok, OK, sure. And that's how our wedding was planned. And that's also my birthday happened to be the first day the Saturday of a put a lot of starting vacation. So that's why my anniversary and my birthday are the same day. And they literally had it was kind of cool that had a birthday party for me there at the reception and even when we left kind of early because we had to get on the road. But they say our reception was one of the best parties ever. I'll have to trust him with
spk_1: 21:56
my family's wedding receptions have been known to be crashed by total
spk_0: 21:58
strangers, aware it having so much fun, we're gonna go off a little bit more. Guess there's one wedding I remember which brother it was, I think was number six would be about right Yeah, brother Number six got married and it was in one of the reception was held in one of those halls for you. You know where they got, You know, five or six rooms divided into one big room, divided in five or six little things with the wall dividers that, according out of the wall, come up. You know, And then there's a little door in that wall so that you don't have toe go all the way around. You could just open up that little door. We started noticing people coming through that door after about half an hour of the reception. And pretty soon, you know, 200 extra people were on our side, and we're getting here going. Wow, this is just really starting not work for us, you know, we're going on this and then they two guys bring in the keg from the other side, and they're bringing it all the food from the other side. And also we have, like, 400 people is what little area. And it was pretty cool. Actually,
spk_1: 23:16
pretty somebody eventually asked him, lets up, and they're like, is having more fun than we are.
spk_0: 23:22
So we're going to show you It's perfect strangers. It was really weird anyway. Okay, this were totally off subject, but
spk_1: 23:30
so how did I bring it up? I you let the craving pass, and then I said, no. Can I, uh, be honest with you here? Salty? Yeah, of course. I really don't think that spending $500 for a f l i r scope is our best use of resources for a model, For my ocular is our best use of resources. In other words, I just I was completely honest and didn't make him feel attacked because he wasn't being attacked.
spk_0: 24:08
She crushed my will. Helou.
spk_1: 24:12
It might have been a little crushing if I'd have done it right when you were in the middle of man. This thing would be really cool to have way. Always spend a couple of days to think about expensive purchase for make him because we know that trick. We know that you can get in these moods where something sounds like a wonderful idea. And then a day later, you look at the flip side of the coin and reconsider. Sometimes it still seems like a great idea, and you do it and sometimes it doesn't. You don't. So I knew we were gonna wait. Think about it a little bit anyway, so I could just noncommittal of time.
spk_0: 24:45
A good example of that was us 308 It's a great example of it. I has sold a bunch of guns. I'm trying to cut down on the guns that I had that, like, that much would never use or just happen to have. I got a bunch of guns and I just happened to end up with one way or another, and it was time for them to go, and a couple of them were really expensive. I just changed guns. I didn't like them as well as I thought I would, and for whatever reason. And so I had a huge credit. I put him in consignment. I consigned him at a local gun shop because I reason I do. That is, I don't make much money as if I saw him out, right, But they're gone in a couple days, you know, they're just gone.
spk_1: 25:27
And we don't have to worry about having the people who were buying the guns.
spk_0: 25:32
Yeah, I just, you know, putting
spk_1: 25:33
him in the hands of people we know to be responsible. And that's good enough,
spk_0: 25:36
right? And then I never have to worry about one of those guns coming back on me as the illegal purchase. Or, you know, somebody bought it from me and then used in a crime. And now day by through a gun deal wth Egan dear, they have to fill out the f F ELT paperwork and just do it that way so I don't have to mess with any of that stuff. OK, so long story short, I had this credit for the full amount of the guy sitting there for several weeks now. And I wanted a gun to do the role of a three away, heavy round, semi automatic gun for hog hunting and other purposes. It could have been a three way. It could have been a deeper It could have been a dragon off. It could have been all kinds of things. Could have been a B a r. Excuse me. I'm gonna pause this up Anyway, It was a lot of sorry about joy there, and, uh, tropical head off. There was a lot of choice is a lot of options but well, I like to sit in percolate because there were several options I could have gone with some other things. I kind of want. So you know, it is one of those things where you just don't get in a hurry. You decide that this is really a need or it's a hole in my preps, which it really was. A semiautomatic, high caliber big gun was a hole in our press. What we could have lived around, but no.
spk_1: 27:13
Well, we don't currently have Hall country in Missouri. It may not be very long before we have it, because some idiots have what some of those suckers lose.
spk_0: 27:23
And it's also just a much longer range round. Then, uh, what we had is a hard hitting round and that three away, it's just a good round. So anyway, because one of the problems do we have to stop. That thing about two is not only adding in a 308 into the inventory is now that we've got a stock three right rounds, at least to a small amount. I'm not gonna go crazy. We're
spk_1: 27:48
very careful about adding new calibers.
spk_0: 27:51
Yes, very, very, very careful. And then I'm just not going to just not gonna have a whole lot of rounds with this because it's not gone. I'm going thio. Spend a lot of time on with the rage with the cost of the rounds. It's kind of expensive to shoot. I'll shoot cheap cuts at the range. So, Justin example of how our thoughts were Now I am a photographer, All right. I am looking to pick up Maur photography business in the future. And frankly, I'm in the process of switching over from a regular traditional film slash de eso are set up to a mere list set up. I'm not gonna go into all the details as to why Don't you really want me to little do a podcast? Just nothing but talking about cameras all the way. I loved that I could do that, but basically the bottom line is I'm switching from Nikon stuff, Nick on depending on it for ANZAC friends Nikon and our one listener in Taiwan, we'll start in Taiwan and that cool e think that school anyway, nobody in North Korea that off.
spk_1: 29:11
I don't think they're allowed.
spk_0: 29:12
Oh, yeah. So long story short. I'm switching and This is a big deal. This is a really money, and I don't have that kind of money, flash. But I need to you know, you once you commit, you kind of have to do it. So today, literally. Today I sold off all of the last of my professional Nikon gear. My pro stuff 3200 2 point a blah, blah, blah and I ran. All are pretty sizable check because I had a lot of program and I also brought home one camera that I love, that I was going to sell. But the cost of the benefit of selling it was so low because it wasn't just wasn't worth it was worth more to me to keep it and use it for future projects that wants to sell it, even though I'm sewing most arrest myself. Thes conversations come up all the time. Now I have this big, huge check of money, but I have double the amount of things that I want. This money will cover because, as greatest Sony stuff is, it is expense more so in the UK than here in the UK Prices are hideous here. It's just hi. When you're looking at lenses, and the one lens cost $2500. Man, that's not clear Your Sinuses. It makes you stop and think. Do I really needs this? This'll is where I'm at. This is where I'm going. Do I need that to make money?
spk_1: 31:05
It's tough with prepping because you're talking about probabilities. Maybe nothing big and dramatic will happen during your lifetime, Right? Maybe something will what's most likely to happen. What kind of equipment are you gonna need to deal with the kind of things that are most likely to happen? Some things you prepped for because you think they're pretty likely some things you prepped for because, well, it's like house insurance. I don't think my house is gonna burn down, but I couldn't sustain the cost without insurance if it did. So I by the insurance. So there's a lot of risk management to be done
spk_0: 31:46
and something something to prep for, because this one prep fills in slots all across the board for all these different disasters that could occur, you could. That's a really good way to spend prepping money,
spk_1: 31:59
minor likely things, and it would also be useful for evil, bad worldwide drama. Things
spk_0: 32:07
perfect example. If things like neoprene gloves, it's a great prepped ahead because you use over all kinds of things and there's there's a another perfect example of Stop that. There's just across the board duct tape, duct tape. Have a bunch of duct tape go bad so you don't have you won't be using it. But it's a perfect example of something that cost, uh, per benefit ratio is very, very good now with prepping and just like with this other deal, like a camera, it only makes sense for most things if either it's extremely likely to be used or you actually do use it all the time. So that's why we say when you're prepping and getting this 25 year food storage that everybody wants the storage food, you know, the buckets of whatever. Yeah, that needs to be stuff you eat Now that needs to be stuff that you will find of used no matter what happens. You know, we have We have buckets of hard bread week while we take that hardware. What we do put it in a week. Reiner and we make bread out of it. We're already doing that We have buckets of oatmeal, which doesn't last nearly as long but last several years, because she's hoping every morning
spk_1: 33:34
need it most mornings,
spk_0: 33:37
and so she'll go through a bucket in a reasonable amount of time. Way. Don't stock more than we'll go through, but she's it every day. So it's a great Emma cost to benefit ratios Really good on something like that.
spk_1: 33:53
All it is is slightly expensive oatmeal. Because you're buying in bulk, you are. You are buying the more expensive packaging. So if that makes it more expensive per ounce than oatmeal, otherwise would be, but not a whole lot more expensive, because you're buying in bulk and you get a lot of savings back that way.
spk_0: 34:14
Do you really, really hard things? Or when you come up with something that's like a specialty thing that's really specialize for some particular one job, one task type of a deal, and you really it's hard that that gives a really hard thing to justify
spk_1: 34:36
If we have any MP power generation in that situation that we could put in Ah, a Faraday cage for now, if it's really only useful in that situation, it's not a high probability of being useful. And we're not willing to put up a lot of money into that stuff, even though it would be really wonderful to have in that one very specific situation.
spk_0: 35:01
And frankly, people live for thousands of years without power. So, you know, there it is. It's not. It would be handy, but you know, isn't worth spending real serious hard money now or something we'll probably never use. And even if you do use it. So you put it in that Faraday cage for 10 years. Is there gonna be any good? 10 years? Are the electronics in a deteriorating 10 years? You know, I put I put ah, tablet with all the digital files that we have in affair to engage in a stored away right three years ago with that type of work, I don't know. Well, the disk, it's on work, probably, but, you know,
spk_1: 35:49
and with things like solar and batteries, another thing is, if you put off doing this particular proper two years, you can get a lot more of the same style of thing for less money because of the rapid advances in the technology. So that's something to keep in mind, too, and we hear it off going seriously. So we've got some stuff to play with and teach ourselves some skills on. But we've put off going seriously solar for these reasons.
spk_0: 36:18
How much you wanna bet that five years from now, thermal scopes will cost 1/4 of what they cost now or less? I wouldn't take that bath.
spk_1: 36:32
It's five years ago. They cost four times as much as they do now.
spk_0: 36:35
Yes, ma'am, I wouldn't take that bet. Now the thermal scope is kind of a specialty thing. There's not a lot. Not a lot of people say night night hunting. But no, it's it's something to consider. And, uh, yeah, that's what I'm looking at when I like. I buy cameras virtually part of what you have to do shit by the camera and alliance. So the cost benefit analysis and this is just for people. For Tigris hospital, fiddles always, always, always, always needs to be. Tilt everything you can towards the lenses because the cameras, especially digital, will be updated 3 to 5 years. This camera I was talking about this d 707 years ago. Waas the bomb. It was a $3000 camera. Yeah, $2500 camera. Now Guy offered me 300 bucks.
spk_1: 37:30
Unfortunately, it's been used heavily.
spk_0: 37:33
Oh, yeah, I used
spk_1: 37:34
in the interim,
spk_0: 37:34
used. The dog's not out of it. It's
spk_1: 37:37
It's not like it was a waste, but
spk_0: 37:38
no, no, you can't reserve
spk_1: 37:39
right now.
spk_0: 37:40
That's one of the reasons you cash anymore. But they came out with a newer model. Isn't that came out with a newer model after that in the newer bottle after that
spk_1: 37:48
and the people who are buying the use stuff for buying two models back instead of three.
spk_0: 37:53
Right? So there you go just even even. Just like the D A. 7 to 2. The A 73 you know, when the new model was announced, it took $500 off the price of a $1500 camera. Like that boom. It cut the value by 1/3 just denouncement of the new model. So, you know, there's so many things that are that will not hold their value. So you really wanna watch put money into things that don't hold their value, whereas you buy a gun, for example, that gun's gonna pretty well hold value. If you buy it use and you get a good deal on it, you'll probably be able to sell it for at least what you bought it for
spk_1: 38:44
and less the gun laws change.
spk_0: 38:45
Unless the gun last changes that it could be more or less,
spk_1: 38:52
depending on
spk_0: 38:52
depending on the law. Yeah,
spk_1: 38:54
whether or not you're can legally sell it, for example,
spk_0: 38:57
or if you could sell up to a certain date. Yeah, right before that date that God's gonna be worth a lot of money. So there's one last thing I want to talk about in this podcast is kind of a kind of a weird little podcast. I get that. But we're doing a series on proper financing prepper money, and I don't think either of us can stress enough how much we just like using debt to pay for preps. It's a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous thing to do
spk_1: 39:42
a lot of the disasters that could come your way, our financial disasters
spk_0: 39:46
and a lot of the disasters that could come your way. Our personal disasters, a job loss. I get sued for somebody walks on your lawn and falls over and breaks their like. They're suing you because you were negligent because you haven't have grass or whatever.
spk_1: 40:04
You have a medical emergency. There's one big in right there.
spk_0: 40:08
Yeah, I mean, uh, dear steps out in front of you and you have to come up with. You know, you have to come into your living paycheck to paycheck, and you have to come up with $500 for your deductible. And you know it's that. Or buy food this week or pay the credit cards. The credit card gets overdue now, just danger credit and yada, yada, yada, yada, yada. Just better to not get down that road. I just wanted to point that out there I get really concerned like No, we can have this discussion about this fluoroscope and we can decide. Does it make sense for us? Does not make sense for us. We could make a rational decision because this is money that we have already worked for. We have already earned that. It's sitting in our bank account. At this point in time. I do not consider that a perfectly rational discussion,
spk_1: 41:09
but it would be a flatly stupid choice if we had to borrow the money, including using a credit card to buy the thing
spk_0: 41:17
and pay the interest and take on the additional risk. Because that is what debt is. Debt is risk.
spk_1: 41:25
You promised labor you haven't been able to supply yet.
spk_0: 41:29
That's right. That's what that's what debt is. That is work that you're going to do in the future. But the question is, how do you know you can? That's you know that's a bigger question than people often put to mine. I just wanted to put that little bug in your bug in your noggin there because we were big, huge believers in paying cash is nationally for stuff like that is
spk_1: 41:58
it's consumer electronic drop in value
spk_0: 42:01
or especially, like for stuff that is optional. That is a nice thing. The habits you can live without. It kind of a deal. And, you know, I understand most people can't write a check for a house. I get that. But that house, if you're buying it in a decent neighborhood, you're doing it the right way is probably gonna be worth at least what you paid for it. So you know you're not gonna get to hurt on the house. Unless something goes really, really wacky, you could possibly. But if you get into a house that you're gonna four and we're gonna go through all this in there, you know, picking houses that you could afford to make the reasonable payments on. We're just crush the rest of your life. You could probably get out of the house pretty well because they don't lose value. But also much pretty. Pretty much everything else does. So you're when you buy something, you're paying on a dead horse. Don't do that. I think that's everything I wanted to say on this subject.
spk_1: 43:04
Since I didn't have any plans. Me too.
spk_0: 43:07
All right, So we'll capture the next time. Bye bye.