Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
Beans, Bullets, Bandages & You
Episode 235: Why some topics are ignored
Salty & Spice talk about some security ideas that require no power, and one that does.
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spk_0: 0:00
Hello, everybody.
spk_1: 0:01
Hello, everybody. And welcome to the show. The big show, the three B. Why podcast? The most important and critically acclaimed podcast that is recorded in our car. The show today we're on the road to Central Missouri from North Missouri. How exciting is that? And one of us is gonna end up in ST Louis. The other was not, But that's OK. It's my plan. We're splitting up. We're splitting up. But you know what we've done. We have already discussed our What if things go crazy? Plan. We
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have our plan, our backup plan and our fallback. Right? So what? I don't get stranded in the middle of?
spk_1: 0:43
What's gonna happen is I'm gonna drop her off in camo and drive over to ST Louis. Do some business that I need to take care of that I'm gonna come back to Combo, pick her up, and we're gonna go back north. But bad things sometimes happen to good people. And us too. So we have made contingency plans for her to get home without may. If I have to come home another way,
spk_0: 1:05
I actually have a plan D I hadn't mentioned to him yet.
spk_1: 1:08
Well, that. We've gotta listen. We've got a lot of people come over all those favors.
spk_0: 1:13
That that is plenty.
spk_1: 1:15
You see, we think alike. We have a ton of people in comma who will least put you up. If nothing else, like 30 or 40
spk_0: 1:24
they've put up with me for a long time now.
spk_1: 1:29
Yeah, but you're on the you're on the favor. End of the favor. Stick with him. So anyway, long story short, we were sitting. You're talking about some articles that we've recently published on three. B Y. One in particular that we both think at least I think is one of the best ones she's ever written. She wasn't sure, because it's a hard subject. Um, it's about Alzheimer's and dementia, and we're looking at the staff this morning. We pay attention to see what people are liking. What people are not liking.
spk_0: 2:07
It just published by the
spk_1: 2:08
way here last night, Uh, three b y. Strangely enough, three b y runs on Greenwich Mean time, and there is a reason for that. It's not going to sit
spk_0: 2:20
here, and we don't You
spk_1: 2:22
don't need to know. It's one of my quirks. So, Phoebe, why runs on Greenwich Mean Time in case you were wondering why the time stamps look weird anyway, it published last night, and as occasionally stories do, it would absolutely splatter against the wall.
spk_0: 2:43
It was met with massive indifference.
spk_1: 2:44
Nobody's reading it, and it's really a good story. At least I think it is, is we've. We've published stories that we think are strong and we publish them. Stories that we know are just got a strong yeah, not a strong. We don't
spk_0: 3:00
publish the ones we think aren't worth anything, but some are worth more
spk_1: 3:03
than others. It is. Some are. What's the word I'm looking for? They're much more narrowly focused. What are reviews Very nearly focused on that particular product, and we're not interested in that product. There's no way
spk_0: 3:18
published those because people who do searches wanting them, we'll find it not because we think everybody on the planet who wants to prep might be interested.
spk_1: 3:26
Yeah, for example, I published a view on the Phoenix arms HP 22 A.
spk_0: 3:34
Oh, that thing's got a 1,000,000 reads
spk_1: 3:36
I top article on freebie What we're getting I mean, I'll again I'll see that thing. They have 50 75 reads a year after it's published just random people from the Internet with their kitchen on the search engines. So that's why a lot of the stuff we publish you publish, we realized that it's not gonna get picked up in proper circles. It's not gonna be linked out there on the good liquors that are out there, but people will find it. We have very few articles that completely go splatter occasionally we d'oh, but this this Alzheimer's one just went absolutely splats.
spk_0: 4:18
So far. It is totally spotting.
spk_1: 4:20
I mean, totally split.
spk_0: 4:21
And it
spk_1: 4:21
was like, If you read it, you are one of the like three people. Okay, it's more than three, but it's not many more than three we usually get. It has at this point in time, about 1/10 of the reads that this article would usually get.
spk_0: 4:39
And it's about people who are confused and things that I spent some time recently hanging out with a friend who has developed this problem and is his caregiver, and I learned some things about it, surprised me about how these conditions manifest and things that are likely to trigger it, that I really hadn't thought about and they were really relevant, prepping type situations.
spk_1: 5:11
It's a very, very relevant subject. It's spot on,
spk_0: 5:15
and a lot of people are gonna have to deal with it because it's not just Alzheimer's. It's confusion from many sources would tend to give rise to some of these problems, and
spk_1: 5:27
we're not here to talk about that article. We could do a podcast on that article. In fact, I think I will want to do a podcast on that article simply because maybe the podcast people, I don't know. We have subscribers. Maybe don't listen to what we have to say, but the thing is, it's a This is a big deal, and then medication does help Alzheimer's. So but we get into it. Oh, least extent. Did nothing cures. It leads to an extent. Medication does ameliorate some of the symptoms. And if we get into AA stuff hits the fan situation. That medication's going away, so people need to know how to deal with people who have Alzheimer's because they're gonna need to be taking care of. This is part of propping.
spk_0: 6:11
It's in the category of things. I write a lot of these that I think are actually important for people to know in emergency situations, but no fun to think about. Not much fun to write about, hard to write about. In some cases, you know, they're not fun. They're not sexy. They're not cool. But I think they are important. So we put him out there
spk_1: 6:36
and sometimes were shocked that get widely linked across the Internet. We get thousands and thousands of reeds on them, which is great, but sometimes they just go absolutely splatter,
spk_0: 6:50
whereas we know if we wanted. If the goal was to get as many reads as possible, we know what kind of article after that,
spk_1: 6:57
we could week. I could write an article a day, an article a day that would get thousands and thousands and thousands of reeds and exactly the subjects to write him on. I know how to write. I'm a professional writer. I know how to do it. I'm not bragging. I just know what people want to
spk_0: 7:15
read. Five things you're doing wrong with your ammunition supply
spk_1: 7:20
pump out the same basic stuff that everybody else is pumping out. But well, so we were talking about So what's going on here. Why is it to something that is important that will affect many of people out there? Why is it that people don't read this stuff? What is it? And we've got some ideas as to why certain topics in the prepper world that are critically important, that needed to be addressed get very little attention
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and others get an excessive amount of attention
spk_1: 8:01
way more than they're worth way more than they're worth. So what is this? What's going on? So here are our theories as to what's going on. Sorry. Sorry, Number one.
spk_0: 8:15
Some people do it because they like the cool factor, the rugged survivalist image, the rugged survivalist image. That's that's kind of how it I like that one.
spk_1: 8:27
I can see this.
spk_0: 8:29
Oh, yeah, I like that image. Do I like to think of myself as somebody who can manage under difficult circumstances without modern conveniences?
spk_1: 8:38
There's a picture. A series of pictures that we use there were graciously uploaded by somebody on pixels P I s C. L s. If you ever need some free graphics, I recommend Go there we go there and they're free for us to use without attribution. But somebody uploaded a really cool set of graphics that I use a lot of off a guy and a shotgun, standing alone against the whatever you know. And, you know, it's It's a great image, and we can all see ourselves as this guy with the shotgun standing there, our backs to our our loved ones facing out, protecting bah, blah, blah. Yeah, that's a beautiful, fun, exciting image.
spk_0: 9:25
Yeah, and if we were in the kind of situations where that was called for, we would definitely want to be that guy,
spk_1: 9:30
right? Absolutely. And that's fine.
spk_0: 9:32
So that's it. Let's be clear. We're not judging here.
spk_1: 9:36
No, no,
spk_0: 9:36
because a lot of these are part of the reason we're all here, too.
spk_1: 9:39
Yeah, I love that. I use this picture. I think it's cool. Yeah, it is. But having said that, that is only one small aspect of it, and we cannot afford as a prepping community to concentrate on that one small aspect. We do so at our peril because we're going to be the only people that's going to be punished by overloading in that one area. Whether it be, I see debates all the time, endless debates on the prepper forums about, you know, the best tactical body armor. Should I wear body armor? Should I not? Where? But what? No, no, no, no, no, no. This is not what we need to be spending our time on.
spk_0: 10:35
If you look at the percentage of situations that you might need preps for in which body armor would play an important role. I think you're looking at a pretty small percentage of potential situations
spk_1: 10:49
there. Okay, if you're going to spend five hours prepping and your choices are to spent five hours studying research, ISI researching and purchasing body armor on one hand or spend the same amount of time, money and resource is buying and purchasing water purification systems. I know which one of those is much more likely to save your life. And that body armor you're wearing isn't going to save your three year old. Clean water will ask your bottom line. What is the bottom line? Here s so we we try to keep this in mind when we're doing this stuff on three b y because what one. If we anybody reads and gets helped by us, that's fine. That's great. That's what a goal is we don't make a dime off this site. We don't make a dime. There's no advertising on it. We have gotten not any recount or compensation whatever, and that's fine. We're not. We're not ended for compensation. I will say we have had one company send us some stuff to do is a trial. I did not guarantee them I would do a review on it has this into some inexpensive items, and we may well do a review on those. But the deal is, of course, we're gonna say whatever we want.
spk_0: 12:30
Stink, you're gonna know it.
spk_1: 12:31
Things stink and we have tried about yet. Do you think stink? You will have set the world to a place that's going to just dog because we will, and we'll make it perfectly escape. Hey, these are a product that were supplied to us, and we were going to try it once and see how that gets. But we'll be straight up about these people, said, Does this product at no charge and they're not inexpensive. I think there $16 item. Yeah, that's right. And it's something that we otherwise would probably not have one or we'll find out, I don't know, and I don't even I didn't even get a good humor review anyway anyway, So this is where we're coming from. But we also realized that that we want to provide information that people want to read. Sure, So we got this to EJ thing going on here, which is more important, Ah, giving people what they want to read or giving people what we think they need to read while we go with what we think they need to read first.
spk_0: 13:41
And sometimes that's fun.
spk_1: 13:43
Sometimes it's fun. That's right. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the what? Five. What five ammunition choices should you make articles? We write him because they are important, but everybody's got their own view. But there's also a really importance for the Alzheimer's type articles or for the effective way. This is another one we had this week. It didn't go splatter nearly as bad as the Alzheimer's one did. But ah, it wasn't it didn't get raving success, um, tips and tricks for using insecticides on yourself, Deaton stuff there
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or other deterrent biting, insect eater biting insect and tick deterrent.
spk_1: 14:31
Yeah, because we've learned we've learned some lessons the
spk_0: 14:35
way we got. Plenty of those at the place they give us practice.
spk_1: 14:38
Yeah, Ticks are not an issue. You know, we got we've had poison ivy stuff on our site. We've had These are just some examples, Uh, a lot of water stuff in
spk_0: 14:52
dealing with poop, I think building latrines and, uh, diarrhea.
spk_1: 15:01
Yeah, that one didn't go very well. I mean, it's out there, but that one also, if you look at it also has a few reads a day. And we see that a lot. We'll have, like, yesterday. I met with yesterday, Yesterday, the day before I looked and we had, um nearly 300 articles on our on our website had received at least one read. If you think about that, nearly 300 separate articles on our website had received at least one read, and we're just a little bitty block out in the middle of nowhere. That's a lot of people reading these back articles, so it's good that we have them out there.
spk_0: 15:54
There's another reason, though. I think people are prepping and one of the reasons we actually wanted to do this podcast is because for those people of thinking about what kinds of things they pay attention to might be helpful tool. And that's the people who do it as part of a way to cope. People do not like uncertainty. It's wired into our brains, too, Not like uncertain circumstances. And one of the things we do is if we if you feel you have some sense of control, you feel better about on certain circumstances because face it, the world's an uncertain place. We know that we're preppers. We wouldn't be here if we didn't know that was a thing. It one of the ways we cope with that uncertainty is being ready to deal with that uncertainty to having plans in place. If that is part of the reason you're here, then things that are important but not necessarily fun probably should be on your menu, because otherwise you're just kind of lying to yourself to give yourself a false sense of security.
spk_1: 17:03
That's why we're so we're so up on a zit was up on. We're so proactive. That's a better word. Were so proactive on a lot of things that we think are critically important that that I just you just don't see a lot of people putting emphasis on. For example, that's why we're so focused on not only production of our own food, but in producing our food in an environmentally a positive way. Uh, we're not tree huggers. Oh, trust is, if you saw the slaughter, if you saw the slaughter zone, we learned our large clearing into and saw how we absolutely demolished over 100 trees. Just just demolish them, literally chewed them into toothpicks with his big machine
spk_0: 18:12
on the big clearing to keep it a clearing. I get I get the aside today, I'm gonna take the aside because I was out of place this week and one of the reasons we did that is we wanted to keep We have a couple on our acres, 30 ish acres. We have, ah couple of clearings that are that were there when we got him, and we're trying to keep them clear, the hilltops clear, and we slaughtered a whole bunch of trees that were trying to grow up into the clearing.
spk_1: 18:39
What? I mean, last
spk_0: 18:40
year it was giant. Yeah, and then we even sprayed it, which is something we avoid doing its place to help kill off the fescue to encourage the native prairie grasses.
spk_1: 18:52
Right. We're trying to basically restore restore per keep
spk_0: 18:54
the prairie restored there. And we thought, you know, one of the reasons we want this is because someday we may really need to hunt this hunt, this place for meat. And by golly, if we keep those clearings open, that's gonna be the best chance we've got. Thio easily hunt, especially the deer and turkey. Yeah, because because I know the deer in Turkey like to hang out in the little valleys that ring the bottom underneath the hilltop that clearings on. So I was out early of the other morning when I was at the place and I go to the head of the long clearing and about 150 yards down there. She's standing there looking at me and flicking her little white tail and agitation. She's not sure she should leave or not, And she just standing there staring at me, and I'm like, Okay, if I was hunting for deer right now, and I mimicked picking up the gun and getting the gun ready and getting into a nice shooting position and she's sitting there looking at me and we would had venison for dinner. Guys, your plan worked to a T,
spk_1: 20:00
and this is just example There there's deer all over the place. That's what we're trying to dio. We were even go to the point of doing doing stuff like clearing out trees to make the acorn crop better for the wildlife. Why? Because if we need to haunt the place, we need the environment to be good.
spk_0: 20:23
We need video. Yeah, we need them to produce an excess of offspring for us to shoot and eat.
spk_1: 20:28
We have a pond, right? We have upon that. We've stocks that with fish and people is Oh, you go fish that. No, we don't fish there. Why don't you fish it? Because we want the fish to be there if we need them. It is a larder for us. That pond isn't a recreational toy,
spk_0: 20:52
so I like it.
spk_1: 20:53
So what we like and it's a it's a good environmental thing. And it was a deer place to go tranq.
spk_0: 20:58
And yeah, that would be the other place. We would be shooting the deer because they go down there all the time and we have a nice angle, a couple of nice angles to hunt where the deer like to go to drink
spk_1: 21:10
and also for frankly, way kind of Got it. Part of what we did was unintentional for the deer, by keeping paths cleared Here, take our paths. So we know exactly where they're going to be walking.
spk_0: 21:24
I could be totally redneck and hunt from my front porch
spk_1: 21:28
beating totally. But, you know, in all honesty, if we were in an emergency situation, that's a big deal, But yeah, we've got this. We've got a pond stock full efficient. She dropped all hooking it with her brother last year just to see what would happen. Pop, pop pop right away. But
spk_0: 21:48
I made three castes. I caught three fish. I got a feel for the size of the fish and what they were doing. And then I stop hassling him
spk_1: 21:55
back. They went
spk_0: 21:56
because they weren't big. They weren't. Even if I was hungry, I'd be keeping him. But since I wasn't, that wasn't the goal. They were not a size that I wanted.
spk_1: 22:06
T O. Is that old? Worst of work. I mean, we're letting the fish grow right
spk_0: 22:11
Yeah, that grown considerably from when we put him in. But that only been in for two years. So
spk_1: 22:16
yeah, we've got we've got to do some pot management there this summer this fall, and this again is part of what we're talking about. And we're going to write about the farm, the pond manager. We know a lot of you people don't have ponds. We get that. We know a lot of people probably don't care about fish management in a pond, but the Internet's a big place.
spk_0: 22:39
And some of you may need to know this
spk_1: 22:41
is somebody meeting this. That's right. Um and it's kind of one of those deals where, you know, you have to understand things like you got pond water to drink out of. Okay, now we need to talk about It's an emergency situation. We need to talk about I Jean. We need to talk about viruses because the last thing we want is for virus to get into the pond. Water.
spk_0: 23:11
The single best improvement in human health in the history of human beings has been improved hygiene to keep stuff that's in the waist out of the water and to get people clean water. And we've got a bunch of articles on those topics for that reason, because the last thing we want is to get into an emergency situation because of these things do eventually happen.
spk_1: 23:35
In fact, just just this last week she had an article on another article on the composting composting toilets she would, and
spk_0: 23:46
nicer than the latrines. When you don't have sewage systems,
spk_1: 23:50
Yes. Now, these composting toilets, Yeah, they're not fun to read about. They're not. We get that. They're not that fun to use something that work, but the deal
spk_0: 24:00
better than the trains. But still,
spk_1: 24:02
the deal is, if the grid goes down for two or three weeks, that's all we're talking needs to pay. If the grid goes down for two or three weeks, one week, one week, you're already looking at. If you're living in town and people are pooping in their yards, you're already looking at, ah, huge health risk
spk_0: 24:29
and you back up human health and survival of Children and all those things to the levels they were in in bad areas of the medieval world, right, immediately
spk_1: 24:46
where you have, you know, it's the exception that lives to adulthood where they didn't name their Children for a couple of years because they just didn't want to
spk_0: 24:59
because they lost 30 or 40% of the Children in the first year.
spk_1: 25:02
Hey, think about that. The chances of you losing a child was still, unfortunately, happens. It's tragic when it does good Friend of my Lost a baby and two sits several years ago toward them up, and it's tragic. But, you know, 150 years ago or on back, that was normal.
spk_0: 25:26
Sure, even Civil Warrior era. You'll find people having 12 kids, and three of them make it to adulthood. And that's not real
spk_1: 25:33
right now. You know
spk_0: 25:34
it's hygiene. Almost always.
spk_1: 25:36
A lot of the A lot of the people out there know the Laura Ingalls Wilder story because they listen to the books when they were kids, especially the girls, because they're kind of a girl. Siri's. They listen to the Laura Ingalls Wilder, but nowhere in that serious does she talk about her brother
spk_0: 25:58
because he died young
spk_1: 25:59
because he died young. Now he was there during a lot of what was going on, and I don't remember I'm not a big fan. But I just know that the baby boy didn't make it into the books because that was too sad with a thing for Children's books. So he was never mentioned. There was. There was a son and he died in infancy. He died of a disease. That was We don't have any more. I forget exactly which one what we do.
spk_0: 26:30
But we have
spk_1: 26:31
to remember what it was.
spk_0: 26:33
Scarlet fever, Scarlet, Something like that.
spk_1: 26:37
A communicable disease that we just don't have a problem with anymore. Because Meiji.
spk_0: 26:42
So if you're doing this because you want a sense of security about safety for your family, you might as well give them real security,
spk_1: 26:50
right? No, she was talking about, you know, she was talking about me. My I'm all about the fact that preppers tend to fall very, very, very much underthe e influence of normalcy, bias. They just everybody does it. It's not just properly and everybody humans. Yeah, they just listen to the things they want to listen to the things that make them comfortable. Okay. And that's what we get into. A lot of it were trying. We tried to bust normalcy, vier normalcy virus normalcy virus
spk_0: 27:25
that almost works
spk_1: 27:27
almost worse. And she was like, Yeah, even the even the people who do by us don't spend enough time on normal sea glass. And she's like, Oh, you are full of manure. Salty. You're full of maneuver. The aloe Blacc salon people are like, Why don't you tell
spk_0: 27:46
the black people? Yeah, I was thinking of a particular economist who got his Nobel Prize in economics for talking about black swans. Here's the thing. If you've got a bunch of swans, most wands or white, say your swan razor. Don't have a bunch of those these days, but there are some. Or you watch swan flocks that wild most. Those swans will be wild white. You can go for years seeing nothing but white swan decades thousands upon thousands of birds, nothing but white swans. But there is a genetic mutation that does occur from time to time, and eventually you're going to get a black swan. It's not a question of Will a Black Swan ever occur. It's a matter of when, well, a black swan occur. And with the normalcy bias, it's basically getting into the rut of thinking, even even If you're prepping for stuff you're prepping for relatively rare events, you can get into the mindset of thinking about certain things. And always your mind always goes back to those certain things and you don't visualize the whole situation so you might visualize. Oh, Thea Power's gone out and the grid's down and all that stuff. And here's what I'm going to do to protect my family from potential Raiders. And here is how I'm going to feed my family. But have you thought about where you're gonna put your family's poop? Have you thought about how you're gonna keep your 10 year old from bouncing off the wall with boredom? So it's about visualizing the entire potential situation and what your life would actually look like being able to deal with that. Do you have a good way to wash your hands before you eat? Because if you don't have a convenient way, it ain't gonna happen. Reference article on tippy tap, which is a handy way to wash a lot of the stuff I get from looking at places that are places the world that are less developed and they don't have the service's, and they need to do this kind of thing every day and the original situations. People usually have bad hygiene and bad water control and lots of disease. But, you know, one of the most effective ways to help those areas improve their general well being is to help them improve their hygiene and things with the materials on hand. And I steal ideas from those guys.
spk_1: 30:15
No part. This is gonna get into my soap box a little bit, but but I believe it. I honestly believe this is one of the most important parts of the bias in the prepper world. It's just basically based off of what she was just talking about. She was talking about, you know, the Third World countries where they don't have the resources to go out and buy their way out of trouble or buy their way into, uh, security. We do in America, we have the resources to buy products that will make us feel safer, and some of them will make us safer. Well, Spain, no doubt about it. One of the products are good products. Oh, yes, But in the first world, we live in a capitalist society, and I am a capitalist. I'm 100% pro capitalist. I am so far from communism. It's not even funny, Okay, But part of being a capitalist is to recognize the power of advertising in the power of information. Focus. Basically, I always When I look at any situation, when I look at any website, when I look at anything that I look at, my first thing is, OK, where's the money going? Who's making the money? Who's making the money? How are they making the money? All right, why does this matter? It matters because the people who are making the money are the people who are steering the boat. So don't let this Most of the boat. We
spk_0: 32:24
have a team see tiny little rowboat here, but it's not money driven because we're not making anything often.
spk_1: 32:31
But let's look at some of the she's talking about. The Third World stuff is a perfect example. One of the greatest sets of resource is out there. Are there done by a publisher? I don't remember the name, but you'll know the books where there is no doctor where there is no dentist. These air books right, and you can go on to the companies. Are you going to Amazon or anywhere and buy a copy of these books
spk_0: 32:59
Or he doesn't go to their website and get a free PdF?
spk_1: 33:01
Yes, or you could just download it for free. No charge. And they do this as a resource for people who cannot afford to get the information. And these books are written for Third Worlders. They're written with the idea that this is what Third World people can do with the resource is that they have.
spk_0: 33:29
There's a lot of Well, if you can get this stuff, this is the best way. If you can't get this stuff, here's another thing to try, right. It's a very practical work with what you got. Good. But it doesn't make anybody a whole lot of money cause you can set by the book. And we bought the book because it's nice to have a hard copy there and all that, but they'll give it to you because the people who publish it want the information out
spk_1: 33:58
there, right. It's what I want money. Now this is the kind of thing that I personally it's kind of one of those deals where, where I'm like Yeah. Okay. That's a really cool product, right? That's a really cool product. Sure, but why am I seeing this? I'm saying this because you want to sell me that product. I'm not necessarily seeing this because this is the most important thing for me to be spending my money on to make my family prepared. The job of a person selling a product is to sell you that product. And it's not necessarily to say you the most important thing you need to be doing for preparation. It's okay. This is the product I have to sell. This is why you should buy it. And that drives a lot of what's going on in the prepping community and every other community on the planet. Don't get me wrong. This is not just a prepping thing. So one of the things I would like to throw out there to help people get past bias is start thinking. Okay, who do I really need this and who's making the money? We're gonna go back to this lovable losing right human. Your it's a company or it's a group company or not, and they have. This little product is the global blue It's a product you can buy one premade. It's really nice. We did. We does not carpenters.
spk_0: 35:42
Yeah, they would build a better than I would build. It was really nice, big guy.
spk_1: 35:46
Not a big guy, So yeah, um, but they'll give you the plans for free. They'll give. Give the book away. Yeah, give the book away for free and pdf. I think it's a pdf, and that's that's reasonable. You should not expect people to give you a print book, but you don't give you the book for free. Why? Because their biggest concern is they want the information out there. And this is what I'd like to see more of in the prepping world. This is what we're trying to do. We're paying our social rent with three B. Y. That's why we're doing it. We're not doing three b y to make money. We're doing it to pay our social rent. We've had a podcast on that. We talked about such a thing before, but this is our way of of being good human beings because you have to. You have to. You can't sit in a little
spk_0: 36:40
It can't just be a taker, can't be a taker. You're not part of the solution. You're part of the precipitate is because right
spk_1: 36:47
now, I think we're gonna leave it there. So, uh, thank you for listening, and we'll catch the next time.